DEPRECATED - See Anima Reputation V2 for the latest information.


This guide will help you create & upgrade your Anima reputation SBT to prove your uniqueness to different services.

1. Create a new reputation

As we provide multi-chain support, you'll first need to choose the chain you want to create your reputation on.

Here is the link for the different websites to create your reputation:

Just follow the instructions on the website to create your reputation. Please note that you'll need to have a wallet connected to the chain you choose, with at least $1 of the native token to pay for service fees.

2. Upgrade your reputation

After creating your reputation, you can upgrade it to a higher level to get more benefits on different services. Every 2 weeks, you can redo your liveness check to upgrade your reputation to a higher level. This will automatically update your reputation level in the SBT metadata.